Center for Career Exploration

Recruiting Policies

The Center for Career Exploration provides these guidelines to ensure that you have a smooth recruiting process with Brown University students. We modify our guidelines each year so please read each item carefully. For the 2024-2025 Academic Year, we have made modifications to support the ongoing and changing recruiting landscape.

The guidelines described in this document are intended for all organizations who recruit Brown University students. This includes any programming or recruitment activities including, but not limited to: job and internship opportunities posted to Brown (through Brown’s Handshake platform, BrownConnect+, or other Brown systems), all on-campus and virtual events (career fairs, coffee chats, one-on-ones, Spotlight events), consortiums or conferences Brown students participate in, on-campus interviews, information sessions/workshops, resume drops (non-OCR), and student group visits. Our goal at the Center is to ensure that students and organizations engage in fair, honorable recruiting practices.

All employer events must be reported to the Center for Career Exploration prior to the event date. This includes virtual events and events in the greater Providence  area (events with student groups, alumni events where students are invited, events at local restaurants, etc.).  Employers, student organizations or other departments should keep the Center’s Employer Partnerships team informed of all on-campus and off-campus marketing, outreach, and programming involving Brown students. This is the best way to optimize your marketing strategy and timing, while avoiding scheduling problems and/or conflicts with our campus recruiting policies. 

The Brown Center for Career Exploration may also be referred to as the Center within these policies.

The federal government prohibits higher education institutions from discriminating on the basis of race, color, or national origin (Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964); gender (Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972); or disability, veteran status, or age (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990). Brown University’s non- discrimination policy is consistent with the law and includes additional protected categories:

Brown University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, age, disability, status as a veteran, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, or other school administered programs.

Employers using Center’s services (including job postings and student interviewing) are required to abide by Brown's Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy which applies to any individuals who have expressed an interest in applying or have submitted an application for employment or enrollment as a student.  In addition, employers recruiting Brown students through on-campus or other processes are expected to follow the Equal Employment Opportunity guidelines, set out by the NACE Professional Standards for University Relations and Recruiting

In addition to these policies, external evidence, such as negative publicity or social media, that reveals such discrimination, hate speech, or disrespectful or bullying behavior, as determined by Brown University's Center for Career Exploration in its sole discretion, may be taken into consideration. The Center reserves the right to refuse engaging with any organization for any reason at any time.

We expect all employers that recruit at Brown to abide by our Interview and Employment Offer Guidelines.  Allowing student candidates enough time to make an informed decision serves the interests of both candidates and employers. We strongly encourage employers to permit students to participate in recruitment activities and allow student candidates sufficient time to explore their career options before deciding whether or not to accept offers for internships or full-time employment. If a student decides to accept an employment offer for a full-time position or an internship within the specified timeframe (i.e., prior to the stated deadline), that is their prerogative.

The dates outlined below are our recommended time frame for acceptances. The Center strongly discourages any practices that may pressure students in forgoing the entirety of the recruiting cycle. Tactics, such as time-limited “exploding offers”, that attempt to force students to make decisions before they have had an opportunity to fully explore opportunities are inappropriate. The Center also strongly discourages other high pressure tactics, including but not limited to monetary bonuses or deadlines prior to those stated below is highly discouraged.

If Employers choose not to follow these guidelines as outlined in this document, Brown University’s Center for Career Exploration will not enforce Student Guidelines with regard to reneging on accepted offers.

All employment offers should be made in good faith. We strongly encourage employers to work with the Center if an offer is to be rescinded or postponed. Employers who renege on an employment offer without just cause could face possible suspension from recruiting activities at Brown University for at least one year. Lifting any suspension from recruiting activities will be at the discretion of the Center.

Employers are asked to follow this timeline for Brown students. We strongly encourage employers to permit students to participate in recruitment activities and allow student candidates sufficient time to explore their career options before deciding whether or not to accept offers for internships or full-time employment. After October 18, 4-weeks or a decision window mutually agreeable between the student and employer, are acceptable. Employers are asked to consider requests for additional flexibility on a case by case basis. Our office recognizes that there are times when a job offer and start date are less than 4 weeks apart; in those cases we ask employers to offer a reasonable amount of time (at least 48 hours and up to 1 week) for students to consider the opportunity. 

Fall 2024 & Spring/Summer 2025
Date/Timing of Offer
Acceptance Deadline
Full-time or Intern offer extended prior to October 18, 2024 November 8, 2024
(This includes Summer '24 offers for Summer '25)
Full-time or Intern offer extended October 18, 2024 or later Four weeks from Date of Offer or a decision window mutually agreeable between the student and employer

When an employer extends a verbal offer of employment, a written offer of employment with the same terms and conditions must be issued within 7 days of the verbal offer. Employers cannot require acceptance of the verbal offer prior to issuing the written offer nor can the four week date of offer countdown begin until the written offer is extended.

Student safety is our priority; We expect employers to take the health and safety of our students into consideration when scheduling interviews and offer a virtual option, if requested.

It must be clearly communicated to the student at all times that he/she/they should feel comfortable speaking up about any scheduling conflicts. We recommend employers to provide alternative dates, without negative consequences, for a second-round interview if the date originally suggested by the employer conflicts with students’ academic and/or other valid campus obligations.

Brown Center for Career Exploration defines an exploding offer as: Any offer that does not adhere to the policy stated above and/or that has special incentives attached, such as diminishing bonuses or location or job preferences, for purposes of inducing early acceptance. Exploding offers are strictly prohibited.

Any offer made to students must remain “whole” during the consideration period, including any monetary incentives. Employers violating this policy will be immediately suspended from recruiting activities at Brown University for at least one year. Reinstatement will only occur when the Center determines that the problem has been resolved.

All employers who participate in recruiting will be expected to follow the Offer Guidelines for all opportunities. Employers that violate these guidelines will be subject to penalties that may include forfeiture of the use of the Center, including on-campus interviewing and participation in recruiting events (both virtual and in-person) for the following academic year.

All employers should extend offers in writing to potential student hires. At this point in the recruiting process, written offers are considered contracts, please examine the contract very carefully. Employers who rescind or alter contract conditions after both parties have signed will be subject to penalties which may include suspension from Brown recruiting activities.

Participating companies are expected to maintain the confidentiality of all student and alumni information. All materials received throughout the application process (including cover letters, resumes, transcripts, via email or hard copy), should be shared only with those persons involved in the hiring process. Sharing information about a candidate with another organization is not acceptable unless the company receives prior written consent from the candidate.

The Center may ask participating employers to supply hiring data and outcomes as it relates to our  student population.  The Center and Brown University are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of student information, therefore sharing this hiring data is not a breach of our confidentiality policy. The Center will not disclose identifying information about specific employer hires.

In accordance with guidelines established by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers), there should be no alcohol consumption by candidates in the interview or recruiting process, or at events associated with full-time or internship opportunities, either on- or off-campus. Employers should neither offer alcohol to candidates nor expect that candidates will consume alcohol.

The Center does not supply student emails to recruiting organizations or permit mass emails to students. We ask all marketing to students is done via the Center Recruiting newsletter for maximum distribution and fairness to all students. It is also our office’s discretion to share recruiter email / contact information to students who request it.

The Brown Center for Career Exploration supports the exploration of wide and varied careers for students. Brown students, staff, and faculty are uncommonly driven by the idea that their work will have a positive impact in the world. Aligned with Brown’s mission, a drive for “being in service of” is an intrinsic part of the Brown ethos, inside and outside the classroom. Members of the Brown community are committed to applying the knowledge they gain in classrooms, laboratories, and libraries to further the public good, and using it to address the world’s most pressing and complex challenges. The core mission of Brown — advancing knowledge and discovery, and preparing students to succeed in a complex and changing world — benefits from the presence of an exciting mix of voices and ideas. Brown champions the rights of members of our community to express a full range of ideas.

In addition, Brown's Faculty Rules and Regulations specify a set of "Recruitment Policies" that state:

  • Brown students have the freedom both to consult with recruiting organizations to seek employment interviews and also to express their views about those organizations, providing they do so in legal ways that do not infringe upon the rights of others.  However, since the purpose of informational sessions is to facilitate the provision of information to potential employees by the recruiter, and the rights of all persons at each session are to be protected, questions or statements from the audience that become lengthy, hectoring, or abusive can (and should) be ruled out of order and terminated.

We are a learning community grounded in a commitment to respect for the views of others, even and especially when we disagree. Demonstrations can sometimes happen on campus; here are the outlined / supported ways for our students to demonstrate their voices on campus. If your organization believes there is a chance students may demonstrate on campus, please contact our office prior to your event as we have several resources and tools to ensure everyone remains safe and heard.